Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back to the Monotony!

Ahhhh, nothing beats coming home after a long weekend away. We packed up the family first thing Saturday morning and drove up the coast to visit my father and stepmother. It's hard for us to get away in the winter, the boys are in school, the weather needs to cooperate and it just seems a bit harder to arrange. Fortunately the stars aligned for the weekend and away we went!

My father lives on Islesboro, up the coast by Camden, Rockland and Lincolnville. It's pretty there, and we have a great time visiting, but I have to say, how people deal with that ferry boat on a daily basis is completely beyond me. We managed to get there with plenty of time to spare (for once) and just as the boat was pulling into the dock we were informed that the captain may not be taking cars on this trip. Really?!?!?! Because walking on the boat, towing baby, car seat, diaper bag, and teenagers is EXACTLY what I wanted to be doing in freezing temperatures with bone chilling wind. Fortunately for us the captain did decide to allow the cars on, but unloading on the island was a bit rough on the car. Honda Civics aren't made to drive over a six inch gap between ramp and boat. I could go into great detail as to why there was a gap between the boat and the ramp, and why the captain would not want to allow cars on the ferry, but I will summarize by saying that an "over site" in the design of the BRAND NEW ramps did not take into account the lunar high and low tides. That happen every month. Oops.

We did make it to the island in one piece, and we had a great time visiting. I really love giving my father and stepmother the opportunity to visit with Ben and see how much and how quickly he changes. I know my father is just dying for the opportunity to get outside and play with Ben, and hopefully on our next visit the weather will cooperate and he can do just that. In the meantime, I think he enjoyed watching Ben play in the kitchen, cleaning out the cupboards and getting into trouble. After raising two daughters, I think he's going to enjoy his grandson!

As much fun as we had on the island, there is nothing like coming home. Some days it seems like the monotony of daily life will drive you mad, until you get away and realize that sometimes monotony can be much easier than spontaneity.

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