Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Budget Time!

Things do not appear to be as dire as they seemed last week.  We're still in a bit of a financial turmoil, and I'm very seriously looking at new jobs, but I've managed to remain on at the sports grille a few nights a week (also owned by the folks who owned the restaurant I worked for up until last week).  While this doesn't yet feel like a permanent solution to things, it will at least allow me to look around without putting us in financial crisis.

And since things are going to be up in the air for a bit, I've resolved to reign in my weekly spending.  I'm already a very budget conscious shopper, I buy generic brands where and when I can, I clip and use coupons, I shop the sales and the clearance racks, and yet I think I could do better.  I usually allow myself $100 a week for grocery items, and then extra for "non-edible" items like toilet paper, toothpaste, light bulbs, etc.  My plan now is to allow only $100 for all items we need during the week.  It's going to be tricky, and I'm sure I won't be able to do it every week, but I think if I focus on what we really do need and stock up on the items I can get for very cheap, I really think I might be able to do it.

Besides, who doesn't like the rush of getting a $3 tube of toothpaste for 8 cents?  Or a pack of $5 toothbrushes for $1.50?  And this week I'm going to score some couscous for free.  Free is good.  Free is real good...

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