Monday, November 21, 2011

Cooking Day!

Today I decided I needed to clean out my refrigerator.  My solution was to cook things, using the ingredients in my fridge.  This plan backfired since none of the recipes used up all of the ingredients I had, and then produced more items that needed to be refrigerated.  Needless to say, my fridge is PACKED.

But I thought I would share the recipes of the things I made that came out well.  I decided to start by getting rid of the big pack of spinach in the fridge left over from the lasagna I made on Friday.  I made a Potato Spinach Soup that is pretty much out of this world.  Creamy and silky with the mild flavor of spinach, the soup was delicious and very filling.  Here's the recipe: Potato Spinach Soup

While that was simmering, I thought I'd try to get rid of some ricotta.  Since no one eats "spinach ricotta stuffed pasta" (well, other than me) I thought I'd try something different.  I found a recipe for Ricotta Scones that came out beautifully.  I've never made scones before, so I was a little confused, but it ended up being really easy and they came out nice and moist and cinnaminnie.  (That's right, cinnaminnie...try the scones, you will agree, they are cinnaminnie.)  The recipe is here: Ricotta Cheese Scones

While those are the only two things I made with recipes, I did make a batch of homemade chicken noodle soup, yum yum, and some homemade applesauce.  It was a food filled afternoon here!

Tomorrow  I have some plans that will keep me away from the house for a few hours, so I won't be doing much cooking.  Hopefully we have enough left over soup to get us through!

FYI-Today is 21 days of blogging everyday.  I'm finding it much easier now than it was at the beginning.  :)

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